
東京学生英語劇連盟/Model Production 2014のブログです。 5月5、6日に世田谷区民会館で行われる公演に向けて、日々メンバーが感じていることを記していけたらと思います。応援していただけたら幸いです。


To impress people, become One

Hey hey hey heeeey! Nice to meet you! My name is Tsubasa. Im a member of make up and costume! There are lots of "unique" people in our section. In a good way of corse lol so we always have fun and great time in rehearsal........... Any way! Back to the topic! Today...... We.... Went to.... Nippori!!!!!!!

ヘイヘイヘイヘーイ!お初にお目にかかります。つばさと申します!メイクアップ&コスチューム(化粧と舞台衣装)の一員です!僕のグループには色んな"変わった"人たちがいます。もちろん良い意味で変わってるってことだよwww だから、いつも楽しく笑顔でリハーサルに打ち込めるんだ!、、、、、まあそんなことはおいといて!本題にまいりましょう!!今日は、、、 僕たち、、、日暮里に、、、行ってきました!!!

Today we went to Nippori to check some materials for costumes!!! There are lots of different types of materials, so much fun to see and choose it. But, in same time it was so difficult to find perfect materials for our image! Each members have in-charge to make characters costumes. So each members were so serious about choosing materials. Everyone touched so many different stuff and checked with design to make rough ideas. 


After checking materials at Nippori, we went back to Hosei university for our rehearsal. At rehearsal, we discussed about each characters, imaged and what kind of material would suit to each characters. And, each members showed what kind of materials they found at Nippori. Also we started to design characters costumes with each members ideas. 


This is all we did, as makecos. Today, I only wrote about makecos. But, We are making stage by connecting with other sections. Every sections are working so hard to make one great stage. So if you have time on May 5th and 6th, please come watch our performance! I hope to see you guy on performance day! 


3 件のコメント:

  1. Tsubasaaaaa!
    Good job yesterday, too!
    it was so fun to go to Nippori n Rh as usual.

    You also " unique" person, aren't you?
    Of course good meaning :))))

    today, we have make up lesson!
    let's do our best;)

    see you later~~~♪


  2. Good job yesterday!
    im so glad you enjoy MP life as macos.
    lets become one to impress❤

  3. Hello Tsubasa^^

    Seems like there were so much fun in Nippori!!
    From now on you are gonna "work" as a mac member.
    It will be so tough, but also make you feel satisfied!
    Please enjoy your role!!


