
東京学生英語劇連盟/Model Production 2014のブログです。 5月5、6日に世田谷区民会館で行われる公演に向けて、日々メンバーが感じていることを記していけたらと思います。応援していただけたら幸いです。



Hi, this is Nancy!!! My real name is Natsuka Shimizu. I'm today's bloggerrrr!!:D So, what should I write for today's blog?? Actually, I just read another members blog which they already wrote before to get some image, and I could see blogger's personality from each blog! Someone is writing what he/she is crazy about, why he/she joined MP14, etc.....So, to make this blog filled with my personality, I'm gonna write three things today!;)

1. The reason I joined MP14
2. To people who doesn't have confidence on speaking English
3. Today's outline

ハ〜イ、ナンシーです!本名は清水南希(なつか)です。私が今日のブロガーです!ってことで何書こう?全然わかんないので参考に今までのブロガーさんたちが書いたブログ見てみました。みんな個性出てますね!ある人は自分が何に夢中なのか書いたり、MPに参加した理由を書いたり…。ということで私もこのブログを私の個性で満たしたいと思います!笑 3つ書きます!


Here we gooooo! Haha
1. The reason I joined MP!!
I have two reasons mainly. First is because I love speaking English!!! We use only English during rehearsal, and this point attracted me so much when I heard about MP. At that time I was in Shanghai as for study abroad, and I wanted to put myself in the environment which I can always use English even after I come back to Japan. 


And the second reason is I wanted to learn about acting again. I joined in Rikkyo ESS Drama club when I was freshman, I passed the audition and became a cast of Four-University English Theatrical (Yondai). However, practices of Yondai was super hard for me. I couldn't enjoy acting, communicating with other members. I gradually lost confidence in myself. Why I couldn't enjoy at that time? Well it's gonna be long story, I had a habit of blaming myself badly since I was junior high school student. When I finished the final stage of Yondai, all I felt was nothing but sense of emptiness. It took long time to recover, and during that time, I did many other things little by little. And time past, I went to Shanghai to learn Chinese last August, met many lovely foreign friends and new Japanese friends whose personality is like I have never met before, jumped in to many things, and heard about MP!! Now I don't regard the experience of Yondai as trauma, I'm looking forward to attend to rehearsal, challenging to acting like I try for the first time!;D

二つ目の理由は、演技をもう一度やってみたかったからです。私は大1の時に立教大学のESSドラマに入り、オーディションを経て四大英語劇大会のキャストになりました。ですが、四大へ向けた稽古はとても精神的にきついものでした。私は演じることを楽しめず、他のメンバーと楽しく交流することもできず、徐々に自分に自信をなくしていきました。なんで私はそのとき楽しめなかったんだろう?長い話になりますが、私は中学生のときからものすごく自分自身を責める癖がありました。セリフカットでさえどこかで自分のせいにしてました。四大のファイナル公演が終わった時、私は心が空っぽな状態になっていて、虚無感だけが残りました。回復するのに時間がかかりましたが、その間に私は違うことを少しずつやっていきました。時間は過ぎ、去年の8月に中国語の勉強のために上海に留学し、そこでたくさんの素敵な外国人留学生、今まで出会ったことのないような個性を持った新しい日本人の友達と知り合い、いろんなことにjumped inし、そしてMPのことを知りました〓︎笑 私は今はもう四大の稽古を楽しめなかったことはトラウマにしていません。また新たな気持ちで演技に挑戦できることをとても楽しみにしています(^。^)

Sorry for the long sentences so far, I would like to go to 2.To people who doesn't have confidence on speaking English. I'd like to write shortly in this topic.
We are using only English during rehearsal, and I already heard many of the members say "I'm not good at speaking English" or "My English level is low". I'd like to tell some things that I always keep in mind for people who think like this. I think the best way to improve your English skill is to not to think about your English level, and to be a talkative person. Be noisy like a talky chicken!!;] The more you become talkative, the more chance you'll get to speak English. And to be talkative, try to relax and enjoy, and think like you want to tell something to somebody even if it's a really tiny topic. Well, each people has his/her own character, maybe for some people it's difficult to do. I think myself I am talkative. I don't know the truth though...haha:P Anyway, I'm glad if my opinion serve as a reference;)
I said I'll write shortly but long sentence again〜!! Oh, gosh...:P

今までの文章で相当長くなってしまいましたが、次の2.英語に自信がないと思ってる人へ に進みたいと思います。ここでは少し短めに書きます。先ほど書いた通り、私たちは活動中は英語しか使いませんが、私はMPに入って既にたくさんの人が「英語話すの苦手だから」とか、「英語のレベル低いから」などと言っているのを聞きました。そう思ってる人たちに、私が普段心がけていることを伝えたいと思います。英語を上達させる一番の方法は、自分の英語のレベルのことを気にしないことです。そして、おしゃべりになることです!笑 おしゃべりになればなるほど、英語で何かを伝えようとする機会も増えます。そしておしゃべりになるには?いつもリラックスして、どんな小さな話題でも、それを誰かに伝えたいと思うことです!ただ、人にはそれぞれ違った性格があるので、人によってはこれを実践するのは難しいかもしれません。私は自分自身をおしゃべりだと思ってます。一応。自分でもよくわかんないけど…笑 まぁともかく、今書いたことが少しでもみなさんの参考になれば嬉しいです(^_^)

3. Today's outline!! Please have patience a little more!
We learned another three songs today! "Winter comes", "Forest fire" and "Left alone". The last song "Left alone" is really sad song. I also felt sadness in the practice time. And also we did sign dance of "I will be who I am"! I like the sign of "heart". It's really like a heart full of blood vessel!! And also, Hisashi and Russell came to see our rehearsal, and they said to us, The Little Tree is gonna be a fantastic show!! Yeyyyyy;D

では、3.今日の概要です!ここまで長かったですがもう少し我慢してくださいね!今日はまた3曲新しい歌を習いました!Winter comes、Forest fire、そしてLeft aloneです。Left aloneは本当に悲しい曲ですね。私も歌っていてなんとなく悲しくなりました。そして I will be who I amのサインダンスも習いました!私は"heart"のサインが、本当に血管の張り巡らされた心臓みたいで結構好きです。そしてそして、HisashiとRusselが私たちのリハーサルを見に来てくれました!すごい舞台になるって言ってましたね、いぇ〜い!

I finished writing all three points for today's blog!! Thank you very much for reading such a long long sentences!!! I'm tired too, haha:P

See you again!;)

ということで3つ全部書き終わった!私も疲れた…笑 長い長い文章を最後まで読んでくれて本当にありがとうございました(^_^)


I’m so happy to “live” in this story.

Hi! I’m Sarah! I’m a cast in MP14.

Today, I want to talk about 2 topics.
First, I explain what we did today. Our choreographer, Ayapi-san came and we did Ayapi-san’s workshops!
They were so fun! The most interesting workshop for me was “moving very slowly”. We picked up our things on the floor, and walk.
That’s it, but the rule was to move very SLOWLY. We could only walk about 7~10m for each in 15min.However, time past sooo fast!

We understand the time flow changes. This is very important.
The time that trees grow, squirrel runs, bear runs, these are totally different.
Rabbits can only live about 5~10years. In contrast, trees can live 100, even 200 years!
That means, every life has different time flow for each.
Thanks to Ayapi-san, we could experience the difference.
This year, “The little tree” is a fantasy. Casts act as animals, trees, and nature. 
Today’s our homework is to look up how animals walk, their skeletons, and their gestures etc.
The knowledge is very important for us to act them, because we are human.

We do our best and we will take YOU to nature, “the little tree” world.



Second, I would like to tell you, “please watch it!”
I love this story. I’m crazy about fantastic music of this story.
I’m so happy to “live” in this story.
Don’t miss it!!!!
When I watched musical at first, I was shocked.
I thought “My life definitely changed.”
I’m sure this piece has that kind of power, too.
The beautiful and wonderful music and theme might change your life.
We will make a GREAT STAGE!!!!! No matter what, our goal is a standing ovation!
Please watch it!


To make audience standing ovation, we have so many things to do!

Hello. I'm Fuji. I will talk about what we did today. 
First of all we did あやぴー's work shop. She is our Choreographer. 
Her work shop is kind of training about dance. Maybe... I don't know deeply about it. But it made my body  get stiff muscles. I think it means I'm not used to dancing. . And after that we got some choreograph and practiced. It was difficult for me but was fun. I will practice it so much. 
I felt I started to study some part haven't done not so much often. 
It was exciting and good chance for me to study it.   


And next. We practiced pronunciation and singing with sheila.  I thought it was good opportunity to study pronunciation.  
Two mount later. I don't wanna make anything I think I should have done or some thing like that. 
We have so many things to do. So I have to study much harder.  
In order to make audience standing ovation. We have so many things to do. Oh my gosh. 



What I thought ...

Nice to meet you ! Today’s bloger is Syusaku Kuroda. I write about two things.


The reason that I joined MP14
Today’s activity content


When I was sophomore, I was introduced MP13. And I watched MP13 at GW. In my impression, all members looked like so fun, not the same college student as me and I was surprised at the big scale of MP13 because I’ve not watched a drama by students.

① 自分が大学2年の時に、紹介があり、GWMP13を観に行った。観た感想としては、同じ大学生に見えなく、メンバー皆が楽しそうだった。そして、学生主体の劇を観に行くのは初めてで規模の大きさに驚いた。

Maybe- I thought I’ll try to join MP14. Time passed and I retired ESS drama section when I was junior in December. I got its guidance information after that.


I determined that I absolutely join it. But when I considered my English level, job hunting, laboratory and graduate school because of my department, I wandered whether joining it or not.


After all, I went to the guidance. There’re a lot of things I could’t understand. But I spent a good time. so this is the reason that I joined MP14.  


And I don’t look for a job and consider about laboratory and graduate school now. But
I enjoy MP14 ! 


P.S. I have another reason to join MP14. The reason is to experience special thing in Tokyo before going back to Aichi. And my wish is to enter graduate school at Aichi and go back. But It’s seemed so difficult.

P.S.  MP14の参加の理由にもう1つ理由があります。それは、自分が愛知出身で、愛知に帰る前に、東京で特別な経験をしたかったからです。そして、自分の理想では、院で愛知に戻ろうかと思っていましたが、難しそうですね。

② I write without a routine work.
We got two new lyrics (Song of the forest, Fall fashion show)and practiced them. So I enjoyed to sing songs ! and every time I fell MP14 members look like fun during singing a song. It made me more fun !!
And eventually we got the script !!!!
Thank yooouuuu !
I’m looking forward reading it !

② 日常的に行われている事は省き、書きます。
今日は新しい歌詞が配られました(Song of the forest, Fall fashion show)。そして、練習です。歌を歌うのは楽しいですね!そして、練習中にいつも思うのが、MPに参加しているメンバーなので、皆楽しそうにやっていて、より楽しくなりますね!
そして、遂に台本が渡されました!!!! ありがとうございます! 楽しみです!

③ I talk about my nickname in little time. I should decide my nickname. but I don’t decide it yet. Maybe- decided it ! I don’t know well !
Now my nicknames are syusyaku ,yosaku,sakuro- and hukahire. Maybe- That’s all.
Everything is OK !  See you !

③ 自分のニックネームについて、ちょっとだけ・・・

Musical can be said as a peaceful tool to combine people from all over the world!

Me and Musical Hello everyone! Im Lena, again Lena with L, not Rena lol Nice to meet you! 
This is the first time for me to join MP. I belong to the Set & Property crew leaded by Shu and Ayame. I’ve been doing MLS for 3 years and I was longing to participate in this production for long time. Finally I’m able to be here! Soooo excited! 
Top of all, my interest in musical started when I moved to Holland because of my parent’s job. I and my family frequently visited The UK to see musicals such as Cats, Mama Mia, Lion King, and Chicago.
 Did small Lena understand the language? No way. But I enjoyed the performances because musicals involve music and dancing and these tools conveyed me the content. This is why, in my opinion, every man and woman, old and young can enjoy musical. It could even conquer the race barrier. In that way, musical can be said as a peaceful tool to combine people from all over the world!
 Several years later, I came back to Japan. I then decided to join MLS and performed The Adventure of Tom Sawyer, The Wizard of OZ, and Once on This Island. This experience made me interested in seeing the real entertainment country America. I decided to study abroad. There I joined amazing School Theater which resembles MP.
 その後帰国し、今度はMLSでトムソーヤ、オズの魔法使い、Once on this islandをやった。そして本場に興味を持ち、アメリカ留学。学校のスクールシアターに入った。これが素晴らしくMPと似てる。
 For instance, students create everything such as costume, set, lifhting etc. by themselves. They were all very talented. The most shocking event was when the actor and actress kiss mouth to mouth on the stage!! Well including such cultural difference, the experience there is very special. 
It was also in America where I encountered with my favorite musical Wicked. You know the green wicked witch in the Wizard of OZ? It’s the story about why she became the wicked. Now interested? Then watch it! 
Ok, Ive been talking too much about myself. What I was trying to say was that I am a musical freak! Im looking forward for the next 3 months! 
Final announcement, it’s gonna be short so please cope with me little more >< Actually, I’m going to run Tokyo Marathon!!!! It is probably the biggest challenge in my life. I will do my best in both MP and Marathon. And most importantly, enjoy both! 
For this performance Little Tree, I only know that there are no human and the characters are tree, insects, and sun etc. The story is unknown. I have never done setting and property before. But whatever obstacle I face, let’s face it! 
Yup that’s it. If you have read my long blog until the end, thank you. Bye! 


That' s why I am a member of Sounds

Hi,my name is Taichi. I came to tokyo from Nara. Please call me Taichi.(Somebody calls me "たいち,I wonder he knows Chinese character )
My section is sound,there is a reason. Because I relate with sound.
At first, look at this.

These are pictures of my music soft. How do you feel? When I started this for the first time although I was exited very much, it made me cool down in a few minutes. It was very difficult for me to use this soft, and I could'nt understand what it showed in screen, in addition, it didn't produce sound! In the bigining, I used it with my brave very much.
I have wanted to make my own music since when I was high school student. And I didn't do very much to start from become univercity student.But I could'nt understand how to do when I started acutually. I bought texts about making music, but it showed only about code and melody. It didn't include drum, base and so on.It didn't show how to use band's instrument.
I had jealousy because I really wanted to make music, but people around me did anything they want to do.My dream was not to be good at it, I wanted to worry and suffer at home,and next day, go to school,go back to home, and do it again.After all I wanted to include making music in my life.Can you image it ? I'll make my favorit music. It goes on increasing day by day. Finally my playlist filled with my music! Long time ago, it was only dream, but now, it is my plan.I surely carry out it. So, I can introduce myself when I'm said " Who are you?","I'm the person makes my own music".
And I want to write one more thing. I foreget how to make friends. Now, if I meet somebody, I must think what to talk about anytimes. It is similar to the scene be troubled with keeping talking. What is the difference from talking with friends?
Imagine when you talk with your friends.Maybe you have image what to talk in your head, and you show it with your mouth. The difference is talk to  try to keep talking or talk because you want to talk, I think. I want to want to talk with everyone. I wonder long time ago, I wasn't so. Once I try to do something about it. And the first victim is maybe Mada. Make up your mind MASA!!
I want to show my world,what I laugh at, what I feel interesting. I promise you haven't seen it yet.And everyone has it too.I want to see them.
See you again! Taichi.


Kick Off!!!!!

Hi, everyone!! This is Macky. I’m a PR of MP14;)
At last at last!!!!! MP14 started from today. I could not wait for this day.
We will share the joys and the impression as a member of the MP14. I can’t wait to see how we will spend three months with everyone.


Anyway I’m going to tell you what we did today a little bit.
Every member introduced about themselves in front of everyone…
I think it was nervous??? lol

We did workshops with everyone.
Every workshop always full of laughter!! J
Anyway these photos of workshop! Can you imagine what are we doing?

about the aim and concept of MP14
This year’s aim is “get receive a standing ovation”!! Yeaaaaaah!!
Next the concept is “face it”. Face it is the first step of communication. Everything starts from “Face it”. J  

さてさて、これからちょっとだけ今日のKick Off でどんなことをしたのか紹介しますね!
今年の目標は“スタンディングオーベーション いえ―――い♪♪

Finally, I want to talk about me a little!
Last year, I was a one of the members of MP13. And I faced a lot of struggle. One of the struggles is that I could not speak English very well, and I could not share what I really think. However, now I can tell what I really think easier than before.
In addition, MP changed me with various aspects.
MP was a very special place for me. I want everyone to feel about your growth after 3months. And I think it is glad that everyone thought it was good to join in MP14.
For that reason, heads will support you as much as possible. 


I think it is long but thank you for reading! From now on, the member of MP14 will write down this blog by turns. Please look forward to reading!

長くなりましたが読んでくださってありがとうございます!これから毎日MP 14メンバーが交代で更新します♪楽しみにしていてくださいJJ

That’s it! Thank youJ
