
東京学生英語劇連盟/Model Production 2014のブログです。 5月5、6日に世田谷区民会館で行われる公演に向けて、日々メンバーが感じていることを記していけたらと思います。応援していただけたら幸いです。


That' s why I am a member of Sounds

Hi,my name is Taichi. I came to tokyo from Nara. Please call me Taichi.(Somebody calls me "たいち,I wonder he knows Chinese character )
My section is sound,there is a reason. Because I relate with sound.
At first, look at this.

These are pictures of my music soft. How do you feel? When I started this for the first time although I was exited very much, it made me cool down in a few minutes. It was very difficult for me to use this soft, and I could'nt understand what it showed in screen, in addition, it didn't produce sound! In the bigining, I used it with my brave very much.
I have wanted to make my own music since when I was high school student. And I didn't do very much to start from become univercity student.But I could'nt understand how to do when I started acutually. I bought texts about making music, but it showed only about code and melody. It didn't include drum, base and so on.It didn't show how to use band's instrument.
I had jealousy because I really wanted to make music, but people around me did anything they want to do.My dream was not to be good at it, I wanted to worry and suffer at home,and next day, go to school,go back to home, and do it again.After all I wanted to include making music in my life.Can you image it ? I'll make my favorit music. It goes on increasing day by day. Finally my playlist filled with my music! Long time ago, it was only dream, but now, it is my plan.I surely carry out it. So, I can introduce myself when I'm said " Who are you?","I'm the person makes my own music".
And I want to write one more thing. I foreget how to make friends. Now, if I meet somebody, I must think what to talk about anytimes. It is similar to the scene be troubled with keeping talking. What is the difference from talking with friends?
Imagine when you talk with your friends.Maybe you have image what to talk in your head, and you show it with your mouth. The difference is talk to  try to keep talking or talk because you want to talk, I think. I want to want to talk with everyone. I wonder long time ago, I wasn't so. Once I try to do something about it. And the first victim is maybe Mada. Make up your mind MASA!!
I want to show my world,what I laugh at, what I feel interesting. I promise you haven't seen it yet.And everyone has it too.I want to see them.
See you again! Taichi.


1 件のコメント:

  1. Hello, Taichi! I remembered your Chinese character lol

    This soft looks really difficult... I have no clue (*_*)
    But it will be so much fun if I can use it because I also like music!
    Please try everything you want to, MP is this kind of place^^
    And please tell me what you can did in 3 months!!


