Hello everyone!! This is my second time writing this blog!! People who read my blog people hi agin! And people who are first time, I'm Tsubasa. I'm member of make up and costume!!
Anyway!!! Today was last Run through at 志村三丁目. We used this place so many times since joint rehearsal. It's really sad to realize that today was last time to use. It's sad, but can't change! We have to keep moving!
そんなことより!!今日は志村三丁目でやる最後の通し稽古でした。このリハ場にはジョイントリハーサルの時から何回もお世話になってきたので今日が最後かと思うととっても悲しいです… 悲しいけど変えられない。前を向いて進むしかないのです!!
Today's run through was amazing. Every section get together and focused on their work. It wasn't on real stage, but I could see the stage in that rehearsal!
Last 3months I spend most of time and days in MP. Almost every member was first time to meet. In another words no connection between each other. But, now we are making the stage with everyone. It's really hard to make a big stage in 3months, but we can do it because this is MP. Everyone communicate, trust, respect each other. Everyone is not working for their own, everyone is working for members.
I think MP is one of great experience I ever had in my life. And I want to thank everyone that giving me such an amazing environment to experience. Because of MP I was able to realize how important is relationship and connection with others. This 3months are my precious. Great thanks to every member for everything. Love you all.
Every sections work will get together, every member of effort will get together on performance day! Only 4 performances. That's it. Never again. So please come watch! We will give you a great time!!! Hope to see you on the day!!
Hello again, Tsubasa^^
返信削除How is your work as a Ma&C?? Was it hard??
When everyone give full scope to their power, something will happen on the stage.
Do your best with believing in yourself and everyone!!