
東京学生英語劇連盟/Model Production 2014のブログです。 5月5、6日に世田谷区民会館で行われる公演に向けて、日々メンバーが感じていることを記していけたらと思います。応援していただけたら幸いです。



Hello!! I'm Yuka, I joined MP14 as a sound section member.  Many sophomores wrote blog already and finally my turn has come :)


I think each member has each reason of joining mp but when I talked about  that sometimes people surprised. Because when I knew MP first, I just saw the poster in my school. But I just thought "oh this is what I wanna do!" 
I major in English, so of course, I love English, and I love musical also! That's it. 


When I start something new I always don't think so much. People sometime say it's not good but I think to jump in is important. And just try!!!  It suit MP so much :) 

私はいつも新しいことを始めるとき深くは考えない。良くないとも言われるけど、飛び込んでみることも大事だと思う。 それでやってみるだけ!!MPにぴったりでしょ^ ^

Thinking like that, I  also wondered can I do? Or not?? But it was after audition and call back. My first concern was cast, but I am in sound section. So I actually wonder ed I quit or not. (So sorry to my chief Nao..)  But I decide I do.  However, because of my condition or some other reasons, I couldn't come so much at first. And I was not feeling like mp.

そう考えてても、やっぱり出来るかなと迷いもした。オーディションと結果発表の後だったけど(笑) 私の第一希望はキャストで、でも私はサウンドセクション。だから実はやめようかなとも思った。(チーフのなお、ごめんなさい!>_< ) でもやろうって決めた。なのに、体調のことなんかであまり参加出来なくてMPって気分じゃなくなってた。

What I changed was camp!!! Watching first run through and working with my section member I really regret that I didn't come Reharsal so much!! I enjoyed much and I learned so many thing!! 


And then, my all life is almost about MP! Now we have just 4 days left before performance!!! Wow, time flies :( 


Recently I felt people have each atmosphere(?) section by section. Especially s&p and m&c, we are separated, that's why I felt more their change.  S&P look like craftsmen and M&C look like stylists lol Don't you think so??  Their serious face and seriousness make them look so cool whichever they are boy or girl.

最近各セクションの人がそのセクションの人の雰囲気っていうか、そういうの出てるなーって。特にs&pとm&cは離れてる分変わったなーって思った。s&pは職人さんみたいだし、m&cはスタイリストさんみたい笑 そう思うの私だけ? 真剣な表情とか男女問わずかっこいいんだよ!!

So please please please come and see our seriousness!!! We are university student but we can do this much!!! And I also want you to feel something like start something new or try more harder one. Because I work with that kind of feeling.

だから本当に!私たちの真剣さを観に来てください!! 大学生でもこれだけ出来るんです!そして私は観てくれた人に私も新しいことを始めてみよう、とか、もっと難しいことをやってみようと思って欲しい!だって私はそういう気持ちで取り組んでるから。

Thank you for reading this looooong blog and this is my honest feeling. Maybe I left something to write even I wrote like this much. Lastly, do I work as a sound section member?? Like S&P or M&C members??



1 件のコメント:

  1. Hello, Yuka^^

    Believing your inspiration or first impression is always correct I think.
    You have so many experiences through this 3 months which is so short.
    All experiences make you shine on the performance day.
    Will look forward to succeeding it!!


