
東京学生英語劇連盟/Model Production 2014のブログです。 5月5、6日に世田谷区民会館で行われる公演に向けて、日々メンバーが感じていることを記していけたらと思います。応援していただけたら幸いです。


Why don't you be audience?

Hi, everyone. My name is Miwa:)
I'm a member of Setting&Property!
This is my first time to join MP. Last year, I watched 13's performance. Since that, I really wanted to join MP!!!

こんにちは!みわです^ ^

The reason why I joined S&P and MP'14 is also 13's performance. I surprised at not only acting ability and power of Casts but also impression of Set!! And one of S&P member was my friend!! There were many students same as me. "They made this great stage!!!" I remember that I had goosebumps when I watched the pamphlet and the show! 
I'll never forget the admiration I felt when I watched Curtain Call:)

カーテンコールでメンバーの表情を見たときに感じた憧れは絶対に忘れることはないでしょう^ ^

But this year is also gonna be the great stage!!! I always smile and she'd tears in run through. Even in rehearsal, I was moved! You must be moved by the performance!!!!!
でも!今年の公演だって負けてません!自分はRun Throughという通し練習でいつも笑顔と涙を見せてしまいます。練習でさえ泣けるのです!本番でみなさんが感動しないわけがない!笑

We only have 3 months for preparation while we live many years. 
But this experience  will be my precious treasure in my life. It will never lose vivid color...
MP is worth and priceless for me. Please come to see our treasures named "The Little Tree". 

MPとは、それだけの価値を見出せるものなのです。ぜひ「The Little Tree」という名のわたしたちの宝物を観にきてください。

Thank you for reading.

1 件のコメント:

  1. Hello, Miwa^^

    I remembered last year's setting was awesome!!
    I was impressed set changes.
    This year is also gonna be so hard... but you feel a great achievement when you did it!!
    It will be so much fun, cannot express with any word I guess.
    By the way, it's just my opinion but the last part of your blog is my favorite:)


