
東京学生英語劇連盟/Model Production 2014のブログです。 5月5、6日に世田谷区民会館で行われる公演に向けて、日々メンバーが感じていることを記していけたらと思います。応援していただけたら幸いです。


What I thought ...

Nice to meet you ! Today’s bloger is Syusaku Kuroda. I write about two things.


The reason that I joined MP14
Today’s activity content


When I was sophomore, I was introduced MP13. And I watched MP13 at GW. In my impression, all members looked like so fun, not the same college student as me and I was surprised at the big scale of MP13 because I’ve not watched a drama by students.

① 自分が大学2年の時に、紹介があり、GWMP13を観に行った。観た感想としては、同じ大学生に見えなく、メンバー皆が楽しそうだった。そして、学生主体の劇を観に行くのは初めてで規模の大きさに驚いた。

Maybe- I thought I’ll try to join MP14. Time passed and I retired ESS drama section when I was junior in December. I got its guidance information after that.


I determined that I absolutely join it. But when I considered my English level, job hunting, laboratory and graduate school because of my department, I wandered whether joining it or not.


After all, I went to the guidance. There’re a lot of things I could’t understand. But I spent a good time. so this is the reason that I joined MP14.  


And I don’t look for a job and consider about laboratory and graduate school now. But
I enjoy MP14 ! 


P.S. I have another reason to join MP14. The reason is to experience special thing in Tokyo before going back to Aichi. And my wish is to enter graduate school at Aichi and go back. But It’s seemed so difficult.

P.S.  MP14の参加の理由にもう1つ理由があります。それは、自分が愛知出身で、愛知に帰る前に、東京で特別な経験をしたかったからです。そして、自分の理想では、院で愛知に戻ろうかと思っていましたが、難しそうですね。

② I write without a routine work.
We got two new lyrics (Song of the forest, Fall fashion show)and practiced them. So I enjoyed to sing songs ! and every time I fell MP14 members look like fun during singing a song. It made me more fun !!
And eventually we got the script !!!!
Thank yooouuuu !
I’m looking forward reading it !

② 日常的に行われている事は省き、書きます。
今日は新しい歌詞が配られました(Song of the forest, Fall fashion show)。そして、練習です。歌を歌うのは楽しいですね!そして、練習中にいつも思うのが、MPに参加しているメンバーなので、皆楽しそうにやっていて、より楽しくなりますね!
そして、遂に台本が渡されました!!!! ありがとうございます! 楽しみです!

③ I talk about my nickname in little time. I should decide my nickname. but I don’t decide it yet. Maybe- decided it ! I don’t know well !
Now my nicknames are syusyaku ,yosaku,sakuro- and hukahire. Maybe- That’s all.
Everything is OK !  See you !

③ 自分のニックネームについて、ちょっとだけ・・・

1 件のコメント:

  1. (^v^)2014/03/03 2:56

    Hello, Shusaku!

    Thank you for coming MP13 performance and being interested in it!
    It will be busy but please enjoy as much as possible^^ Don't regret!
    You have so many nicknames don't you? But why Fukahire...??


