Today was the first meeting of MP14 heads members.
Until the performances on May, the production will be led by these members.
これから5月の公演までのこのメンバーでプロダクションを引っ張 っていきます
Today, we did a simple workshop to share each person's thoughts and images toward MP14.
今日はそみんなのMP14に対する想いとイメージをシェアしても らおうと簡単なワークショップを用意しました
First of all, everyone get a white paper. I asked each one to make a picture with using clips from magazines, crayons, and markers.
まず、みんなに白紙の画用紙を配ります。その画用紙にクレヨン、 マーカー、雑誌の切り抜きなどを使って、 MP14を表す絵をつくってもらいました
The picture can be anything, but there is one rule.
The title of next performance of MP is going to be "The Little Tree", and the theme of the play is "nature".
2014のMPの演目は"The Little Tree"、「自然」を題材にした作品です。
Therefore, the rule is the picture has to be somehow connected with nature.
ですので「自然」をテーマの絵にしてほしい、 というルールをもうけました
Everyone drew wonderful pictures with full of originality.
In the picture that I drew, the lights symbolises us heads members and the people who will join us in the future. And the black leaves that covers the light symbolises challenges and obstacles that is waiting ahead. The germs that receive sunlight is the audience
ぼくがかいた絵は、MP14のこれから入ってくる新しい人と、 ぼくらヘッズメンバーを光に例えました。 それを遮る黒い木々の葉をこれから3ヶ月
間ぶつかるであろう障害や、チャレンジとして表現しています。 そしてその光をあびる木の芽が観客の方です。
Facing difficulty with everyone in the production, and eventually something will reach to the heart of audience.
様々な問題にプロダクションみんなで立ち向かい、 最終的にそれがお客さんの心に届く。
This is what I think of MP14 and I put it into this picture.
Let's make a great stage together. Looking forward for seeing you.
一緒に素晴らしい舞台をつくりましょう。 みなさんの参加をお待ちしております
MP14 Producer, Masa
Hello, Masa^^
返信削除When will you see this comment?? Hope you'll see.
Anyways, good job Producer!! Oh it's still on the way lol
You walked such a long long journey since last year.
But it will end soon.
I cannot know how it's hard to organize MP as a heads member even if I know it's hard.
So I don't know how you struggled. Of course, because everyone has adifferent journey.
Hope you can achieve your gaol, even if the way is terrible lol
I wanted to see your tears in the theatre... not blood kkkkkkk
I always cheer you guys far away.
The Craziest Girl